Tuesday, December 14, 2004

[Personal] Webhosting

So I have been researching for a potential web host. It was down to WebHosting Buzz, Surpass Hosting and a visitor nicely suggested Startlogic.

I looked at Startlogic and initially found the promotion package very attractive. Then I realized the $1/month price is only for the first three months, after which the price is $7/month. Since my needs are small and I don't want to spend too much on web hosts, I will have to pass on Startlogic for now.

Next I sent two emails with identical presale questions to both WebHostingBuzz and SurpassHosting. This was past midnight this morning. By 6am I have one reply from SurpassHosting. I sent more followup questions after reading the reply at 10am++, and a couple of minutes later I got my replies again. As for WebHostingBuzz? I am still waiting.

Unless some better choices come up I think I will be going with SurpassHosting.