[Personal] Reconnected at home
Last night I finally plugged in the computers and setup Yahoo DSL. And now I have Internet access at home.
Yahoo DSL is awesome, easily providing the best content among the previous broadband ISPs I had (Earthlink, Comcast). Now I have access to the enhanced My Yahoo, LAUNCHCast Plus, and Mail Plus. These are the ones I care for and actually use, there are also other perks like bigger Briefcase space and Unlimited Photo Storage. Essentially I got Yahoo Plus with Yahoo DSL.
Before Yahoo DSL I had hoped that Yahoo Mail status could be integrated into Yahoo 360, but now I wish that Yahoo 360 status could be integrated into My Yahoo. Goes to show how fast my portal choice switches!
My monthly due is $20 for a one-year contract. I do worry how Yahoo/SBC will charge me after the term. I really don't want to pay $40+ for broadband, I mean, that's why I moved away from cable.
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